Peran Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik kelas IV B Melalui Pembelajaran Reward and Punishment di MI DDI Takkalasi kab. Barru

Anisatul Mahdiyyah


This proposition examines "The Job of Sociology Educators in Expanding the Learning Inspiration of Class IVB Understudies Through Remuneration and Discipline Learning at MI DDI Takkaalasi, Barru Rule". This exploration points 1) To decide the job of sociology educators in expanding the learning inspiration of Class IVB understudies through remuneration and discipline learning at MI DDI Takkalasi, Barru area. 2) To determine the manner in which students in class IVB MI DDI Takkalasi, district of Barru, are rewarded and punished. This study employs descriptive qualitative research as its method. The subjects in this examination were class IVB understudies comprising of 17 understudies and a teacher showing Class IVB Sociologies subjects at MI DDI Takkalasi Barru. The methods of observation, interviews, and documentation were used to gather the data. Data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusions are used to analyze the data after it has been collected. The consequences of exploration directed at MI DDI Takkalasi Barru observed that the job of a social investigations educator is as a decent instructor model for understudies. Since I attempt to guarantee that all understudies here comprehend the job of a be regarded. educator. Since an instructor is likewise a senior for understudies and a good example. At MI DDI Takkalasi, social studies subjects are rewarded and punished in the form of praise, awards, and prizes to students who are disciplined and successful. The types of discipline applied at MI DDI Takkalasi are admonitions, tasks, retention and discipline as material for understudies who commit infringement.


Teacher , Reward and Punishment.


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Mujaddid: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Islam
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