Tinjauan Urf Pada Tradisi Mappande Manu dalam Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Suku Mandar

Muhammad Ainun Najib


This research seeks to see how the mappande manu tradition is practiced in the Mandar tribe's wedding customs in the Tinambung sub-district, Kab. Polewali Mandar and how Islamic law reviews this traditional practice. Based on its focus, this type of research is field research with data collection methods using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research show that the mappande manu tradition in traditional marriages of the Mandar tribe still continues today. In practice, when there is a time gap of 30 days between the proposal and the wedding day, the man is obliged to provide support in the form of food for the woman. Furthermore, in the review of Islamic law, this tradition can be classified as urf shahih. This is based on two things. First, there is no verse in the Qur'an that prohibits giving support to the fiancé, so this traditional practice does not conflict with the provisions of the Shari'ah. Second, the implementation of this tradition contains the value of mashlahah, which includes maintaining and strengthening the friendly relationship between the two parties.


Urf; Mandar; Mappande manu.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33096/altafaqquh.v5i2.1035


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Al-Tafaqquh: Journal of Islamic Law
ISSN : 2720-9164
Published by Muslim University of Indonesia
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