Application of The Audiolingual Method In Learning Arabic Speaking Skills

Fatia Rahmanita, Laily Fitriani, Ahmad Mubaligh


The audiolingual method is used in this research as one way of implementing Arabic speaking Skill learning. The Audiolingual method can train memory and pronunciation, so that students can have good pronunciation and be skilled at making sentence patterns that have been practiced. This enables them to carry out oral communication correctly as they practice listening and speaking. This research aims to investigate: 1) The use of the audiolingual method in learning Arabic speaking skill in the Psychology 1 PKPBA class of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang for the 2023-2024 Academic Year; 2) Factors Supporting and Hindering the Audiolingual Method in Arabic Speaking Skills Learning; 3) Student responses to the application of the audiolingual method. The method used in this research is qualitative, and the research instruments include interviews, observation, and documentation. The research results show that: 1) The use of the audiolingual method for learning Arabic speaking skill aims to ensure that students are able to understand the speaker's speech correctly and easily. 2) Factors Supporting the Audiolingual Method in Arabic Speaking Skills Learning: Students' enthusiasm in forming sentence patterns, lecturers who provide motivation, audio from native speakers' voices, can grow students' self-confidence. Factors hindering the Audiolingual Method in Arabic Speaking Skills Learning; Students are more inclined to imitate and are less likely to complete classroom facilities such as speakers. Additionally, some students are busy chatting during the learning process. 3) Student responses to the application of this method include finding it easier to understand dialogue, being able to access it anywhere and anytime, and an increased passion for learning.


Application; Audiolingual Method; Arabic Speaking Skills

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